May 26, 2022

2022 Annual IPLAC Judges Dinner Recap

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One of IPLAC’s signature events, the Annual Dinner in Honor of the Federal Judiciary, made a comeback in a big way on Friday, April 22nd. IPLAC President Erin Wright Lothson brought new life into the event with a new venue, the Mid-America Club, which provided stunning views from the top of the Aon Center. At the Dinner, IPLAC honored: Judge Jimmie Reyna from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit; Chief Judge Rebecca Pallmeyer, Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman, Judge Martha Pacold, Magistrate Judge Beth Jantz, and Magistrate Judge Heather McShain of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois; Chief Administrative Judge Scott Boalick from the Patent Trial and Appeal Board; Administrative Judge Linda Kuczma of the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board; and Justice Jesse Reyes of the Illinois Appellate Court. IPLAC also honored special guests Director Damian Porcari of the Elijah J. McCoy Midwest Regional Office, and IPLAC member and President-Elect of INTA, Jomarie Fredericks of Rotary International.

IPLAC awarded its Distinguished Judicial Service Award to the Honorable Mary M. Rowland. In her remarks, Judge Rowland took our guests on a journey showing how the legal landscape has changed over the years, and shared her recollections of her first IP cases and mediations and about her experience with intellectual property law. In her gracious nature, she also praised IPLAC’s commitment to diversity shown in IPLAC’s diverse Board of Managers, the appointment of a Chief Diversity Officer, as well as the election of IPLAC’s ninth female President.

The evening would not have been possible without the support of our generous sponsors who showed the eagerness of the IP community to see one another at in-person events again. IPLAC had over 17 firms and companies supporting the Judges’ Dinner through table sponsorships, a wine sponsorship, and a dessert sponsorship, as well as the firms who supported their attorneys and employees in attending the event through individual ticket purchases. IPLAC looks forward to hosting its 127th Annual Dinner in Honor of the Federal Judiciary in 2023.