Created by IPLAC in 1991, the IPLAC Educational Foundation has been helping Chicago Public School high school students by awarding scholarships to CPS students planning to study engineering, science or pre-law in college. Your monetary support enables the IPLAC Educational Foundation to fund these annual scholarships. Please consider supporting the IPLAC Educational Foundation by making a monetary donation to be used towards funding future scholarships awarded to CPS students.
The IPLAC Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization, and donations to it are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. We thank you for your support of the IPLAC Educational Foundation.

Donate by scanning the QR code provided above, clicking the "Donate Today" button below, or by sending in a check using the instructions to the right.
If you would like to donate via check, please make your check payable to "IPLAC Educational Foundation" and send it to Foundation Treasurer Paul Juettner:
IPLAC Educational Foundation
c/o Treasurer Paul Juettner
P.O. Box 472
Chicago, IL 60690
Please include your email address so we can send you a receipt.