Judges' Dinner Sponsorship Opportunities 2024





Exclusive to one sponsor only on a first come, first served basis. Receive recognition as the wine sponsor in the dinner program and from the podium by IPLAC President. Recognition will be included on venue signage as well with preferred table seating near the speaker’s podium. 




Exclusive to one sponsor only on a first come, first served basis. Receive recognition as the entertainment sponsor in the dinner program, from the podium by IPLAC President, and signage near the stage.




Exclusive to one sponsor only on a first come, first served basis. Receive recognition as the dessert sponsor in the dinner program, from the podium by IPLAC President, and signage at the dessert table.


Wine, Dessert, and Entertainment Sponsorships do not include dinner tickets. Wine, Dessert, and Entertainment Sponsors will also want to purchase a Table Sponsorship to have a table of eight guests at the event or individual dinner tickets to accommodate their guests.



Table Sponsorship includes eight tickets.


If acceptable to you, a distinguished guest plus their guest may also be seated at your table to render the total number of individuals at the table to ten.  If you decline this option, your firm would be able to allocate all ten seats at its discretion.