June 13, 2024
6:00 pm - 7:30 pm | Virtual

IP Hot Topics from South Korea presented by the AIPPI Korean Group

Please join IPLAC for a presentation by members of the AIPPI Korea national group. They will discuss the latest updates and trends in IP law in South Korea including: (1) AI & Copyright Infringement; (2) Recent IP Developments in Litigation and Prosecution; and (3) Main Issues in Trade Secret Cases.


Welcome Remarks


Topic 1: AI & Copyright Infringement

Topic 2: Recent IP Developments in Litigation & Prosecution

Topic 3: Main Issues in Trade Secret Cases

Wasim Bleibel

IPLAC President

Locke Lord

Seong Tahk AHN

AIPPI-Korea President

Lee & Ko IP

Sung Jai CHOI

AIPPI-Korea Vice President

Law Firm Class LLC

Sang Tae JEONG

AIPPI-Korea Board

Yulchon LLC

Hayoun CHUN

AIPPI-Korea Board

Lee & Ko IP