

The IPLAC Educational Foundation was founded in 1991 by IPLAC leaders and members interested in encouraging and supporting Chicago Public School students in the study of engineering, science and the law. Our scholarship recipients are remarkable individuals that have achieved superior academic success, demonstrated a strong sense of community through their extra-curricular activities, and made a commitment to pursue engineering, science or pre-law in college. Since its founding, the Foundation has provided 78 scholarships totaling more than $360,000 to deserving CPS high school students.

Your monetary support enables the IPLAC Educational Foundation to fund these annual scholarships. Please consider supporting the IPLAC Educational Foundation by making a monetary donation to be used towards funding future scholarships awarded to CPS students.

How To Donate

Created by IPLAC in 1991, the IPLAC Educational Foundation has been helping Chicago Public School high school students by awarding scholarships to CPS students planning to study engineering, science or pre-law in college. Your monetary support enables the IPLAC Educational Foundation to fund these annual scholarships. Please consider supporting the IPLAC Educational Foundation by making a monetary donation to be used towards funding future scholarships awarded to CPS students.

The IPLAC Educational Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization, and donations to it are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. We thank you for your support of the IPLAC Educational Foundation.

Donations may also be made by check. Make your check payable to the IPLAC Educational Foundation, and mail it to the Foundation Treasurer, Paul Juettner, P.O. Box 472, Chicago, IL 60690. Please include your email address so that we can send you a receipt.

Donate by shopping on Amazon by designating the IPLAC Educational Foundation as your charity of choice on Amazon Smile.

Join The Committee

One of the most valuable benefits of membership in IPLAC is the opportunity to participate on one or more of the IPLAC committees. Serving on an IPLAC committee furthers your professional development by providing leadership experience, expanding your professional network, and strengthening your ties within the specialty. What's more, IPLAC committee members are directly involved in identifying new opportunities, guiding projects, and offering their you will have a direct hand in helping us achieve our goals.