IPLAC is the center of IP in Chicago.
Here are just a few of the reasons you should join.
By joining IPLAC, you can:
- Make your mark in the city and in your community
- Get connected to Chicago's legal and tech scene
- Understand where innovation is happening in Chicago
- Get connected to Chicago's biggest companies
- Amplify ground-breaking work
- Change the way law is practiced
IPLAC's Members Include:
- Trademark Practitioners
- Patent, Trademark & Copyright Practitioners
- Media & Advertising Practitioners
- Technology, Licensing & IT Practitioners
- Data & Privacy Practitioners
- Patent Agents
- Paralegals
- Law Students & Faculty
- Technical Specialists & Experts
IPLAC Membership Has Its Perks

Reduced fees or free virtual CLE programs from the comfort of your own home, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, data privacy, and product.

Looking for advice from a seasoned attorney? Searching for a way to connect with new lawyers? Be a part of IPLAC’s Mentoring Program and promote professionalism and collegiality within the legal community.

Growing and cultivating pipelines into the profession and enhancing diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging in the practice of intellectual property law.

Opportunities to develop your writing skills through the Amicus and Claim Construction committees along with other leadership opportunities within the organization.

Attending the Annual Judges Dinner on April 22, 2022 to gather with your colleagues near and far to network and socialize.
Don't wait to take advantage of these perks and many more. Become an IPLAC member today and take your career to the next level.
Do you still have questions about membership with IPLAC?
We're here to help!
Please contact IPLACMembership@gmail.com