May 3, 2023
5:30 pm - | University Club of Chicago - 76 E Monroe St - Chicago, IL 60603

2023 Annual Meeting

Dear IPLAC Members,

It is our pleasure to invite you to our IN PERSON Annual Meeting of the Intellectual Property Law Association of Chicago!

Wednesday, May 3, 2023
5:30pm Networking Reception
6:00pm Dinner

The University Club of Chicago
Cathedral Room
76 E. Monroe Street
Chicago, IL 60603

All Members current on 2023/2024 Dues Who RSVP


Current members who RSVP after April 26th may still attend the Annual Meeting, but will need to do so with the understanding that we may not be able to accommodate you with a meal. Also, if you attend but do not RSVP through the IPLAC website, then we similarly may not be able to accommodate you with a meal.

If you RSVP and later learn that you will be unable to attend, please email IPLAC's Dinner Chairs Alisa Simmons or Lisa Becker before 5:00 p.m. on April 26, 2023, so that IPLAC will not be charged for the cost of your dinner. You may send another PLAC member in your place or cancel by April 26. Members that RSVP and do not cancel by April 26 will be invoiced $75.00 to cover a portion of the cost of dinner.  Please do not bring guests unless they become members prior to the meeting.

Annual Meeting Agenda

Creator of the Year Award
The IPLAC 2023 Creator of the Year Award will be announced and celebrated during the Annual Meeting.

IPLAC Educational Foundation
The IPLAC Educational Foundation plans to announce during the meeting the 2023 Chicago Public School high school seniors receiving scholarships and will recognize and celebrate those recipients during the Annual Meeting.

Election of the Officers and Board
The brief business portion of the meeting will include the election of Officers and Board Members for 2023-24. We are pleased to announce that the Nominating Committee, chaired by President Tiffany D. Gehrke, nominated the following members as Officers and Board Members:

Officer Nominees:
Vice President: Matthew Kelly
Chief DE&I Officer: Atanu Das
Treasurer: Brian Verbus

Board of Managers Nominees:
Lisa Becker
Ashly Boesche
Julie Langdon
Matt Marrone
Ryan Phelan

In accordance with the IPLAC Bylaws, Peter Prommer, who served as President-Elect during this membership year automatically becomes President for the coming year, and Wasim Bleibel, who served as Vice-President during this membership year, automatically becomes President-Elect during this membership term. Laura Schaefer will serve her second year as Secretary. Tiffany D. Gehrke, who served ably as President during this membership year, continues on the Board as Immediate Past President. Matthew Kelly has completed the second year of his two-year term as Treasurer, for which we extend our heartfelt appreciation. Atanu Das has completed the second year of his two-year term, for which we extend our heartfelt appreciation. Erin Wright Lothson has also completed her service as Immediate Past President, for which we extend our gratefulness for her efforts and contributions. Board of Manager Members Azuka Dike, Mary Fetsco, Judy He, Kwanwoo Lee, and Selena Spritz will complete the second year of their two-year terms. The following Board of Manager Members have completed their two-year terms of service, for which we extend our appreciation: Dunstan Barnes, Bill Beckman, Ritu Chander, Karen Hwang, and Brian Verbus.

The Minutes from the 2022 Annual Meeting are available here.

We look forward to seeing you in person at the Annual Meeting on Wednesday, May 3, 2023.

With kind regards,
The 2022-23 Intellectual Property Law Association of Chicago Officers and Board of Managers

Officer Nominees:

Matthew Kelly

Vice President


Atanu Das

Chief DE&I Officer

Brian Verbus


Board of Managers Nominees:


Lisa Becker

Board Member

Ashly Boesche

Board Member

Julie Langdon

Board Member

Matt Marrone

Board Member

Ryan Phelan

Board Member